Create facets for multiple plots.
rows = NULL,
cols = NULL,
legend_pos = "top",
legend_space = 10,
margin_trbl = c(t = 2, r = 2, b = 5, l = 2),
h_panel_space = NULL,
v_panel_space = NULL
- e
object as returned bye_charts
or a proxy as returned byecharts4rProxy
.- rows, cols
Number of rows and columns. If both are `NULL` the number of rows and columns will be determined automatically.
- legend_pos
Position of the legend. One of "top", "right", "bottom", "left". Determines to which side the `legend_space` argument applies.
- legend_space
Space between legend and plot area. The entered number will be used as percentage.
- margin_trbl
Adjusts the size of the outside margin around the plotting area. Default is `c(t = 2, r = 2, b = 5, l = 2)`. Numbers are used as percentage of total plotting area. To change only e.g. two sides `c("r" = 8, "l" = 8)` could be used, other sides will use defaults.
- h_panel_space, v_panel_space
Horizontal and vertical spacing between the individual grid elements. Expects numeric input, which will be used as percentage of total plotting area. Default `NULL` will automatically add some panel spacing for low dimensional grids.
Each serie, i.e.: e_bar
will be plotted against a facet.
group_size <- 20
n_groups <- 13
df <- data.frame("day" = rep(1:group_size, times=n_groups),
"temperature" = runif(group_size * n_groups, 10, 40),
"location" = rep(LETTERS[1:n_groups], each=group_size))
df |>
group_by(location) |>
e_charts(day) |>
e_line(temperature) |>
e_facet(rows = 4, cols=4, legend_pos = "top", legend_space = 12)