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Since version 1.2.0 one can add actions and optionally tie them to buttons.


For instance once can use the e_zoom action to zoom on the graph (requires e_datazoom initialised).

cars |> 
  e_charts(dist) |> 
  e_scatter(speed) |> 
  e_datazoom() |> 
    dataZoomIndex = 0,
    start = 20,
    end = 40


Add a button to let the user trigger that action. We add a button with e_button and specify the id of our button in the action (e_zoom) so that the button knows which action to trigger.

cars |> 
  e_charts(dist) |> 
  e_scatter(speed) |> 
  e_datazoom() |> 
    dataZoomIndex = 0,
    start = 20,
    end = 40,
    btn = "BUTTON"
  ) |> 
    id = "BUTTON", 
    htmltools::tags$i(class = "fa fa-search"), # passed to the button
    class = "btn btn-default",
    "Zoom in"

You can also create the button elsewhere on the document, as long as the id matches the btn.

value <- rnorm(10, 10, 2)

nodes <- data.frame(
  name = sample(LETTERS, 10),
  value = value,
  size = value,
  grp = rep(c("grp1", "grp2"), 5),
  stringsAsFactors = FALSE

edges <- data.frame(
  source = sample(nodes$name, 20, replace = TRUE),
  target = sample(nodes$name, 20, replace = TRUE),
  stringsAsFactors = FALSE

e_charts() |> 
  e_graph() |> 
  e_graph_nodes(nodes, name, value, size, grp) |> 
  e_graph_edges(edges, source, target) |> 
    seriesIndex = 0,
    dataIndex = 4,
    btn = "graphButton"

Then create the button with id matching our event (graphButton).

# create the button
  id = "graphButton",
  class = "btn btn-primary",
  "Highlight node #4"
Highlight node #4

Note that this means that each button in the document must bear a unique id.

You can also pass multiple buttons and change their positions.

iris |> 
  group_by(Species) |> 
  e_charts(Sepal.Length) |> 
  e_line(Petal.Length) |> 
  e_datazoom() |> 
  e_highlight(series_name = "setosa", btn = "highlightButton") |> # highlight action
  e_zoom( # zoom action
    dataZoomIndex = 0,
    startValue = 4,
    endValue = 6,
    btn = "zoomBtn"
  ) |> 
    id = "zoomBtn",
    position = "bottom",
    class = "btn btn-primary",
  ) |> 
    position = "bottom",
    class = "btn btn-default",


Actions (all can be tied to buttons):

  • e_highlight & e_downplay to highlight or downplay a serie.
  • e_showtip & e_hidetip to show or hide the tooltip.
  • e_zoom to zoom on a part of the graph.
  • e_visual_map_range to select part of e_visual_map.
  • e_pie_select & e_pie_unselect to select or unselect pie slices.
  • e_focus_adjacency & e_unfocus_adjacency to focus or unfocus nodes on a graph.
  • e_legend_scroll, e_legend_toggle_select, e_legend_unselect & e_legend_select to interact with the legend.
  • e_restore to restore the chart.
  • e_map_select, e_map_unselect & e_map_toggle_select to change maps.