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Build a sunburst.


  styles = NULL,
  names = NULL,
  levels = NULL,
  rm_x = TRUE,
  rm_y = TRUE,

  styles = NULL,
  names = NULL,
  levels = NULL,
  rm_x = TRUE,
  rm_y = TRUE,



An echarts4r object as returned by e_charts or a proxy as returned by echarts4rProxy.


Vector of style lists, defaults to NULL.


Names of items to style, expects a list, defaults to NULL.


Hierarchical levels to style, expects a list, defaults to NULL.

rm_x, rm_y

Whether to remove x and y axis, defaults to TRUE.


Any other option to pass, check See Also section.


Charts e_sunburst, e_treemap and e_tree require hierarchical input data. Such structure could be represented thru json lists or nested tibbles (data.frame). Input data may contain styles, see itemStyle in examples jsonl and df below. The number of lists in the styles parameter should match the number of elements in names and/or levels. If both names and levels are present, name styles will take precedence over level styles. Multiple names may have the same style, see c('land','river') below. Multiple levels may have the same style, see c(3,4) below. styles lists contain items such as color, or borderColor as specified in the official documentation.


# json list hierarchical data representation
jsonl <- jsonlite::fromJSON('[
  {"name": "earth", "value": 30,
    "children": [
      {"name": "land", "value":10,
        "children": [
                {"name": "forest", "value": 3},
                {"name": "river", "value": 7}
      {"name": "ocean", "value":20,
        "children": [
          {"name": "fish", "value": 10,
            "children": [
              {"name": "shark", "value":2},
              {"name": "tuna", "value":6}
          {"name": "kelp", "value": 5}
  {"name": "mars", "value": 30,
    "children": [
      {"name": "crater", "value": 20},
      {"name": "valley", "value": 20}
  {"name": "venus", "value": 40, "itemStyle": {"color": "blue"} }
]', simplifyDataFrame = FALSE)

jsonl |>
  e_charts() |>
  e_sunburst() # demo
# tibble hierarchical data representation library(dplyr) df <- tibble( name = c("earth", "mars", "venus"), value = c(30, 40, 30), # 1st level itemStyle = tibble(color = c(NA, "red", "blue")), # embedded styles, optional children = list( tibble( name = c("land", "ocean"), value = c(10, 20), # 2nd level children = list( tibble(name = c("forest", "river"), value = c(3, 7)), # 3rd level tibble( name = c("fish", "kelp"), value = c(10, 5), children = list( tibble(name = c("shark", "tuna"), value = c(2, 6)), # 4th level NULL # kelp ) ) ) ), tibble(name = c("crater", "valley"), value = c(20, 20)), NULL # venus ) ) df |> e_charts() |> e_sunburst() |> e_theme("westeros")
# with styles myStyles <- c(list(color = "green"), list(color = "magenta")) # custom styles defined myNames <- list(c("land", "river"), "crater") # names to style myLevels <- list(2, c(3, 4)) # hierarchical levels to style df |> e_charts() |> e_sunburst(myStyles, myNames, myLevels)